Personality types of the people you work with

You're probably familiar with the 4-letter personality tests (aka. Strengthsfinder, Myers-Briggs, 16personalities) and you probably know your type, but what about other peoples'? That's what you need in order to understand how best to work with someone.

It's actually quite simple to reverse engineer anyone's type – even if you don't know them at all. That's because each letter is a distinct trait, with only one of two possible letters.

  • 1st trait – Favourite world (inner, outside)

  • 2nd trait – How they take in information (5 senses, intuition)

  • 3rd trait – How they process information (rationally, emotionally)

  • 4th trait – How they implement those decisions IRL (with structure, or looser)

Pay attention to a person for a short amount of time and you'll find it's easy to pick one or the other for each trait, and together discovering their personality type.

We're all broadcasting loud and clear to anyone who wants to tune in. This video shows what to look for.

Managing a TeamMark Rabo