It’s important to understand what kind of project you are dealing with. Mistaking a heavy lift project for a simmering one makes life more difficult.
Read MoreAlmost 1 year and 1300hrs learning the biggest things since university.
Read MoreLast night I tried a Vision Pro and it reminded of the rare moments when a piece of tech changed some part of my life.
Read MoreUnderstanding the human factor in technological revolutions
Read MoreAnother progress report on the way toward rebuilding my app in SwiftUI. In this update, I demo the app icon switcher, which is quite unique compared to the typical ones you see in apps and the new birthday pre-reminders.
Read MoreThere's that 10,000 hour rule of thumb for becoming an expert; there's a similar one around 1000 hours for learning something new.
Read MoreI would consider this for a v1 — very proud to have gotten this far.
Read MoreWe are beginning to see Elon Musk’s demons dismantle everything he’s built.
Read MoreSelf-directed modern learning with online courses, videos, and websites was very different from the textbook school-style I did before. The single biggest thing that's helped me is creating my own "cheatsheet."
Read MoreI want to apologize to all the developers I've ever worked with... for all the pain I've inflicted by making you put fancy animations into mobile apps.
Read MoreIt wasn't about money or power, but something much more important
Read MoreEvery project has the moment when you've burned through all the original excitement and your motivation wanes.
Read MoreHalf a millenium of hours learning how to program.
Read More500 hrs learning programming, about two times longer than the Apollo 11 moon landing mission.
Read More300 hours learning programming, equivalent to one-fifth of Columbus' voyage to America which took about 2000 hrs or 83 days
Read MoreTwo months into my project to learn programming and rebuild my app.
Read MoreI feel like I just beat the first boss with a wooden shield and tin sword.
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